What Type of Minerals does Organic Fertilizer Contain?
The type of minerals organic fertilizer contains are lots of minerals like nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, hydrogen, copper, zinc, chlorine, boron.
Nitrogen (N) – Nitrogen is very important for the plant, soil, air, almost it covers 78% of the atmosphere of the earth. Its appearance is colourless, liquid, or solid-gas. N is used to make fertilizer, nitric acids, nylon, dyes, etc. Nitrogen enhances the growth of plants. It can be used both for liquid fertilizer and also for bract (leaf) plant fertilizer for gardens and foods. Generally, it is meant to be used in the early stage of the plant. Organic fertilizers which are high in Nitrogen include urea.
Note- Organically Nitrogen has lower NPK (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) analysis but the duration of feeding minerals is much more time.
Too much or excessive rainfall and irrigation cause nitrogen deficiency in plants so please be careful.
What Type of Minerals does Organic Fertilizer Contain?
Nitrogen deficiency in plants- Nitrogen-deficient plants have limited growth and discoloured their leaves become yellowish or brownish, also inhibits their bract (leaf) growth, longitudinal shoot bracts are also inhibited, younger bracts are affected badly.
Potassium (K) – Potash is found in plant-available form as potassium (K) like potassium chloride (KCl), potassium sulfate (k2SO4), potassium nitrate (KNO3), etc. Greensand, kelp meal contains a high amount of potassium (k). Potassium is related or linked with the movement of water, carbohydrates, minerals, or nutrients in plant tissue, enhances or promotes root growth, and improves resistivity of drought.
Normally potassium (k) is endowed (supplied) to agricultural land in a mineral form and then it is dissolved in the soil water and is convenient to the plant.
Potassium is the 3rd key nutrient for local (commercial) fertilizer. It helps and strengthens plant growth, and plays a vital role in increasing crop yields, and altogether quality. If the weather is cold or dry then potassium (k) also protects the plant from fatal activities by nourishing its root properly and also preventing it from dwindling (weak).
What Type of Minerals does Organic Fertilizer Contain?
In the market, the most popular organic fertilizers available are from four brands which are very popular in online stores such as amazon, Flipkart etc. Also, liquid fertilizers are mainly considered good for plants that are proactively growing and usually applied on a calendar month (monthly) basis. No matter how leafy crops might need to be showered on a biweekly basis.. Links for various types of fertilizers are provided below:-