- Complete Nutrition for the overall growth of Tea Plant Food : Organic Tea Plant Food Fertilizer Increases active microbes in the soil, balances nitrogen and increases aeration for better root growth. Controls pH of these soil as per requirement and rectifies the problems caused by over fertilization or under Fertilisation of the soil.
- Overall Growth Booster: Helps in Growth of Plant, Healthy Roots, Stronger stems, Shiny Leaves etc. Useful for getting the best growth in all types of Indoor plants. Contains almost all nutrients, including Calcium, Nitrogen, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, potassium that makes stems stronger, Leaves Greener. Helps in better photosynthesis process in all environment
- Immunity Booster and Disease Control: Improves the immunity of Tea Plant Food very fast and helps in fighting diseases that affect the plants growth. Keeps plant healthy and strong round the year. Easy to Use and Store: it comes in reusable box, easy to store and can be used multiple times as per requirements. instruction is printed on the bottle for better use.
- Proven & Popular for many years & Easy to Use and Store: Contains nutrients – Ca, NPK, S, NH4, Mg, B, Zn, Cu, Cl, Na, Mo, Mn, Fe. Composition is inorganic & proprietary. Does not contain any pesticide or insecticide. Easy to Use and Store: it comes in reusable box, easy to store and can be used multiple times as per requirements. instruction is printed on the bottle for better use.
- Premium Tea Plant Food fertilizer: Prepared by premium quality Organic Fertilizer for Tea Plant Food under the supervision of gardening experts. Quality is always tested, and very effective on the Tea Plant Food overall growth. Processed and prepared for getting optimum growth results.
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